This is for those who are Christians and those who are seeking the idea. This information will not be exhaustive, but to trigger your curiosity to go deeper with God and get to the answers to problems that have nagged you for years. We have many problems in our lives that are caused by our actions and behaviors. A central theme in the New Testament, is to "renew your mind" to the Word Of God.
Romans 12:2 New Living Translation
2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. "Changing the way you think" is the battle. We have to through repetition read and study the Bible, hangout with like minded people and pray and praise the Lord. Overtime, as you do that, you will hear the voice of God and you will be seeing things through his eyes. You will be seeing the world through a mind that has been renewed to think and act like Jesus. This is called the santification process. It takes time. When your born again your Spirit is reborn and is perfect. But your mind and heart is not, so your still seeing the world through the hurts you have accumulated though the years you've been on the earth. God then starts a process to heal those soul wounds, so that you can walk on the earth as Jesus, being his hands and feet here on the earth.
Stay tuned, and start the process to renew your mind basking in this powerful music. And in my next post will talk about the Spiritual hinderences we have to deal with that holds us back from going forward.